Neural Networks
- A supervised learning algorithm that can be used for regression and classification problems
- Non-linear model
- Components
- Neurons
- Input Layer
- Hidden Layer(s)
- Output Layer
- Optimizer Function
- Adam (Adaptive Moment Estimation)
- Non-linear Activation Functions
- ReLU, Sigmoid, TanH
- Softmax - often used in the output layer for multiclass classification
- Regularization: dropout
- Loss Function
- Binary Cross Entropy (Log Loss)
- Categorical Cross Entropy
- Forward Propagation: making inference
- Backward Propagation (Chain Rule): computes derivatives of your cost function with respect to the parameters
Pros | Cons |
Can be used for both regression and classification problems | Black box |
Able to solve linearly inseparable problem | Require significant amount of data |
Computationally expensive to train |
- Approaches
- Gradient Descent
- Batch Gradient Descent
- Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Mini-Batch Gradient Descent
- Gradient Descent