Neural Networks

  • A supervised learning algorithm that can be used for regression and classification problems
  • Non-linear model
  • Components
    • Neurons
    • Input Layer
    • Hidden Layer(s)
    • Output Layer
  • Optimizer Function
    • Adam (Adaptive Moment Estimation)
  • Non-linear Activation Functions
    • ReLU, Sigmoid, TanH
    • Softmax - often used in the output layer for multiclass classification
  • Regularization: dropout
  • Loss Function
    • MSE
    • Binary Cross Entropy (Log Loss)
    • Categorical Cross Entropy
  • Forward Propagation: making inference
  • Backward Propagation (Chain Rule): computes derivatives of your cost function with respect to the parameters
Can be used for both regression and classification problemsBlack box
Able to solve linearly inseparable problemRequire significant amount of data
Computationally expensive to train
  • Approaches
    • Gradient Descent
      • Batch Gradient Descent
      • Stochastic Gradient Descent
      • Mini-Batch Gradient Descent