Linear Regression

  • A supervised learning algorithm used for regression problems
  • Model an output variable as a linear combination of input features, finds a line (or surface) that best fits the data
  • Formula: y_hat = W^T·X
    • y_hat, dependent/response variable, target
    • W^T, weights or coefficients
    • X, independent/predictor variable(s), features
  • Polynomial Regression: add polynomial features
  • Assumptions
    1. Linear Relationship - a linear relationship between each predictor variable and the response variable
    2. No Multicollinearity - none of the predictor variables are highly correlated with each other
    3. Independence - each observation in the dataset is independent
    4. Homoscedasticity - residuals have constant variance at every point in the linear model
    5. Multivariate Normality - residuals of the model are normally distributed
Highly interpretableSensitive to outliers
Fast to trainCan underfit with small, high-dimensional data
  • Approaches

    1. Ordinary Least Squares, Normal Equation (instant approach)

    2. Gradient Descent (iterative approach)

      • Feature Scaling
      • Squared Error Cost Function
  • Model Performance Evaluation

    • R^2