Short Media Sharing Platform

Notes from grokking system design

Services: Instagram, TikTok

System Requirements / Goals

  • Functional Requirements
    • Upload, download, view photos and short videos
    • Video or photo metadata search
    • Able to follow other users
  • Non-functional Requirements
    • High availability
      • Consistency can take a hit (in the interest of availability), if a user doesn’t see a photo/video for a while, still fine
    • High reliability (media is never lost)
    • Acceptable latency (loading media)

Capacity Estimation / Constraints

  • Read-heavy system
  • Users
    • Total Users: 500 M
    • Daily Active Users (DAU): 1 M
  • Storage
    • For 1 Day: 2 M Uploaded Media * 200 KB average file size = 400 GB / day
    • For 10 years: 400 GB / day * 365 days * 10 years = ~1425 TB

High Level System Design

  • (Write) Upload media service
  • (Read) View/Search media service
  • Object storage servers - store media
  • Database servers - store media metadata and users metadata

Database Schema

MediaIDint PK
UserIDint PK
UserID1int PK
UserID2int PK
  • Relational Database
    • Require joins
    • Challenge to scale the application
  • NoSQL Database
    • Distributed key-value store
    • Schema
      • Media
      • User
      • UserFollow
    • Apache Cassandra
      • Maintain replicas for high reliability
  • Media Data Store
    • Distributed File Storage (HDFS)
    • Distributed Object Storage (Amazon S3)

Component Design

  • Split reads and writes to separate servers, avoid overload, scale independently (Microservices)
    • Web servers have a connection limit (Assume 500, therefore can’t have more concurrent reads/writes more than this)
      • (Write) Upload media service
        • Slow, reads from disk
      • (Read) View media service
        • Faster, especially served from cache

Reliability and Redundancy

  • High Availability and Reliability - Store multiple copies of media
  • Multiple copies of the services, system will run even if one instance of a service dies
  • Eliminate single PoF

Data Sharding

  • Metadata Sharding (Options)
    1. Based on UserID (Not recommended)
    2. Based on MediaID
      1. Generate unique MediaIDs first and then find a shard number through MediaID % 10 servers
  • Generate MediaIDs
    • Dedicate a separate database instance to generate auto-incrementing IDs
    • Define a table containing only an ID field
    • As new media added into the system, insert a new row in this table and take that ID to be our MediaID of the new media
    • Single PoF?
      • Two DB instance, one generating even numbers, one generating odd numbers
      • Design can be extended for Users, Media-Comments

Cache and Load Balancing

  • Need large-scale media delivery system (Global)
  • Pareto Principle: 80-20 rule
    • 20% of daily read volume for media is generating 80% of traffic
    • Cache 20% of media files and metadata
  • CDN for static assets
    • Geographically distributed cache servers
    • Push content closer to the user
  • Cache for Metadata
    • Cache hot database rows
    • Memcached
    • Application servers check cache first before hitting DB
    • Cache Eviction Policy: LRU